Big Furry Brother

Big Furry Brother

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Toddlers at their Finest

Eve and Grey are on the go-go and that means lots of scraps and bumps...they climbed up in the leather chair yesterday and sat together ......for about 10 minutes..just long enough for me to snap a picture

August 25, 2012 (iphone image)
 Seeing them together made we pull a picture out from about a year ago....
Flash back -August 27, 2011

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Trip to the Flower a few weekends ago

A weekend trip to Sunflower leaves you full...lots of great southern food and family. Grey and Eve love exploring Nanee's house and all her pretty things. We only broke a few things. We went Aunt Teri house and even went out to the farm. They were not real fans of the horses...scared them to death.

Saturday at the museum

Children's Museum that is. 
First time and we of course will be headed back.