Big Furry Brother

Big Furry Brother

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

 For Halloween we went to our Church's festival. 
The duo loved the all the activity and the petting zoo!

Hansel and Gretel watching out for the witch.

It has become very hard to get them to stay in one place....
 so you have take what you can get!

Flash Back to 2011

More from the WI trip

Here are more of the Highlights of the long weekend....
Loved getting to spend time with Grandma Janet and the rest of the family at the Dresbach picnic.
(I hate that I only had my iphone to take pictures)

Four generations

Rocking on a horse that Great-Great Grandpa Swartz built

Great Grandma

Story time, Grandma is wearing her Birthday Hat. Happy Birthday actually today..the day I am posting

At the Dresbach park

Playing with Cousin Berkley...just before Eve flew off. She cried to get back on.

Great Aunt Cathy

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Oktoberfest 2012

Awesome weather, leaves changing, a parade, beer, brats, family, and lederhosen! Oktoberfest in LaCrosse, WI...this is from our trip from then end of September.
An event that is part of life in LaCrosse. It was so fun to be back and be part of it.
Let the pictures say the rest.....
Hard to keep still

Eve is wearing the apron my mother made for me

Cousin Kristin

Great Aunt Stephanie

Cousins...dressed for the day!

Oh our sweet Charlie!

At the end of September we flew to LaCrosse to meet our new nephew and cousin Charlie Nordeen. We have seen many photos and met on Skype but meeting this little boy in person was a pleasure and we all fell in love! 
Our meeting was as if it was not a meeting but just seeing each other again. He is a sweet, gentle, and spirited little boy.  Aunt Julie had to send me pictures from her phone and some are from her super camera. 
We first played with him at Nina and Pop-pops house....

Look at the boys - iphone

Let's see who can push faster - iphone

Uncle Derek, Charlie, Eve and Nina - iphone

So much to play with - iphone
 Next day we went and played at Aunt Julie and Uncle Derek's house....Will was at school so it was Charlie and the twins....Nina, Pop-pop, Great Aunt Cathy, Aunt Julie, and Great Grandma Janet. Grey was impressed with all the cars, trucks, and trains! Also, the twins and Daddy loved the trampoline. I see one of those in our future.

That afternoon was kicked off with lunch Rudy's Drive in...yum!